Sight, for Smith & Wesson® Classic/DX Revolvers, Fiber Optic Front, by Dawson Precision®

27 Reviews
Smith Wesson
Smith Wesson Classic
Smith Wesson DX
Fiber Optic
Perfect Impact Guarantee

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Is there really a difference with Dawson Precision® sights? You bet there is!

While other sights give off a hazy glow making it difficult to focus, Dawson Precision® sights offer you the sharpest picture. We counterbore the blade so the optic is recessed. This subtle difference focuses the light in the sight making it not only brighter, but clearer. A fully cradled optic provides a longer optic lifespan.

Sight Details:

  • FITS Smith & Wesson® Classic and DX revolvers.
  • Counter Bored Optic: Keeps sight picture CLEAR and BRIGHT.
  • Dark Shadow Serrations: BLACKOUT blade and ENHANCE optic.
  • Extra Optic Included - Both Red and Green

Things to Remember!



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  1. Ruger Security Six

    Posted by John Cottenham on Mar 3rd 2025

    Those of us who have a Ruger Security Six are pretty much out of options when it comes to replacing the factory red ramp sight. I was able to fit this Classic / DX sight in a few minutes by rounding the bottom with a dremel. Stock red ramp S&W sights and Dawson's standard pinned S&W sights did not sit down far enough for my application. It is not flush with the front of the barrel, but it covers the sight channel. Night and day difference from the standard sight.

  2. S&W model 66-8

    Posted by Raymond Anderson on May 2nd 2020

    I installed this sight today. It made a huge difference in my accuracy. Very quick sight acquisition and bright light pipes in sight. Highly recommended.

  3. s&w dx/classic fiber optic front sight .300 h.

    Posted by gus morreale on Feb 7th 2019

    as always, dawson sights are first rate. have many sets for various hand guns I own. never disappointed yet. buy.

  4. Brilliant

    Posted by Marcos Lionel Rivera on Feb 4th 2019

    It is bright and very visible. I highly recommend.

  5. Fits great on 625jm

    Posted by Jesse on Oct 24th 2018

    Got this sight in a timely fashion as usual. No fitting required, just popped rite in. I got the .300” hight by .100 width paired weigand rear blade. Sight picture Looks just like my USPSA limited rigs.

  6. S&W DX fiber optic front sight

    Posted by Barry on Oct 20th 2018

    Excellent sight! Fiber Optic is very bright. I had bought a different brand fiber optic sight and it was horrible; not much better than the Smith original. This sight was mounted in seconds. I went with the most narrow blade and like how much better of a sight picture I have for my 629. Very pleased.

  7. S&W DX Front Sight

    Posted by Steve on Sep 27th 2018

    Outstanding sight, dropped in in 2 min. Changed the fiber optic to green (came red green included) 100% better able to acquire the front sight and my groups reduced by 50% at 25 yards. Fast shipping also

  8. Awesome--drop in no fitting

    Posted by V on Sep 6th 2018

    Very well made--this was a drop in fit on my 629 Classic. Install took under 10 sec.

  9. Perfect Fit

    Posted by Robert on Aug 23rd 2018

    Very happy with the sight. It fit perfectly. My only wish is that there was an intermediate height between 0.250 and 0.300 for my S&W Model 29. May I suggest a 0.275 height offering.